Philanthropic Efforts of the Friars Club
Longtime New Jersey resident Harvey Bell’s interests include listening to Frank Sinatra. In addition, Harvey Bell is a member of the Friars Club.
Since its inception in the early part of the 20th century, the Friars Club has advocated for entertainment professionals. Formed to prevent those in the entertainment field from being swindled, the Club has expanded considerably and today is commonly known for its bawdy Roasts. However, the Friars Club is also committed to philanthropy.
In the past 10 years, the Club’s Adopt-a-Scholar program has been responsible for funding 360 performing arts scholarships that allowed recipients to participate in regional theater, Broadway, and Hollywood productions. The program targets liberal arts institutions with a strong performing arts program, such as programs through Columbia University, Brooklyn College, Hunter College, and New York University.
In addition, the Club’s Sunshine club provides entertainment and companionship to seniors and disadvantaged children. This program is a year-round effort where volunteers raise funds for providing entertainment to this population.
Finally, the Lincoln Awards recognize extraordinary individuals and companies who support military families and US veterans. The award was created in honor of Abraham Lincoln and his ideals. Presently, there are 10 award categories.