The Friars Club Adopt-a-Scholar Program
A longtime resident of New Jersey resident with master of business administration from Texas A&M University, Harvey Bell enjoys rooting for the New York Knicks and listening to the music of New Jersey/New York singer Frank Sinatra. Harvey Bell is also a member of New York City’s Friars Club.
A venerable social club that has included countless famous comedians among its membership base, the Friars Club is internationally famous for its bawdy celebrity roasts. The organization is also involved in a range of philanthropic and community outreach initiatives, including its Adopt-a-Scholar program.
Adopt-a-Scholar awards 4-year, postsecondary academic scholarships to students endeavoring to pursue careers in the performing arts. Over the past 10 years, it has granted more than 360 scholarships, helping to send students to liberal and performing arts institutions such as Columbia University, Pace University, Brooklyn College, Fordham University, and New York University. Several Adopt-a-Scholar scholarship recipients have subsequently found success on Broadway and in Hollywood.
Originally published at on June 24, 2020.